Managed Asterisk
We have developed a range of Chef recipes for end-to-end management of Asterisk for large-scale deployment. For telco operations, we can configure DID's, inbound and outbound trunks, and much more for customers.
Asterisk on BastionLinux
Highlights of Asterisk
- Voicemail for everyone at no extra cost
- Interactive Voice Response (IVR) allows you to set up an intelligent phone system that directs calls quickly to the correct department
- Asterisk has unlimited extensions. No more buying an expensive card for your propriety setup every time you get new employees
- Based on open-source technology and so it's infinitely expandable
- AGI (Asterisk Gateway Interface) allows custom scripts to interface with the telephony system
- Extremely stable because it runs on the Linux kernel
- Wide range of hardware and software available
- Caller queues and caller groups allows you to more intelligently distribute resources in you company
- Mature technology based on open standards
BastionLinux/Asterisk utilises all of the features of BastionLinux to deliver telco-strength telephony to small business.
We use FreePBX (and an extensive range of modules) to provide an easy web-based interface to manage your telephony platform. We have isolated the icon and logo components for the web-management allowing for easy branding of the system.
Our Chef/Asterisk recipes
Monitoring Asterisk
Purchasing and installing BastionLinux/Asterisk
System administration and management of your BastionLinux system