Zenoss 4 on AWS/EC2
We've released Zenoss 4 on BastionLinux/RPM as an AMI on AWS. It's never been easier to kick the tyres of Zenoss 4! Full instructions are here.
This is the exact same Zenoss/RPM Linux stack which we support on RHEL6. This uses all of the native RHEL packages and is very fine-grained - it is not a single kitchen-sink RPM. You still enjoy full support from Red Hat for most of the system software (Python, Java/Jetty, RabbitMQ) for your licence fee. Our complete Zenoss 4 stack is viewable here.
We also have our Zenoss 3 application stack available as an AMI on AWS. Our Zenoss 3 and Zenoss 4 actually run the exact same Zope Application Server versions. This is specifically to support a seamless migration experience. By having Zenoss 4 machine images available, we're making it incredibly easy to practice migrating critical Zenoss infrastructure from Zenoss 3 to Zenoss 4. We also have Zenoss 2.x stacks available for those who've ignored their Zenoss spend for a couple of years.
Please do talk to us about our Chef-based automated migration suite - the most cost-effective way for you to upgrade your Zenoss!